Iizuka Auto Racing Field (JAPAN)

Iizuka Auto Racing Field (JAPAN)

The Iizuka Auto Race Ground is one of the five auto race grounds nationwide, and is said to be the origin of the Midnight Auto Race, which is held from midnight to midnight.

Until now, the night race, which was held on December 30th every year only for the grade race, which is the highest race in the auto racing world, which can be said to be the total settlement of the year, will be held once a month from 2020. As a result, the mobile lighting vehicle was changed to permanent LED lighting in line with the driving renovation in October of the same year.

By finely setting the light distribution of each lighting fixture, uniform light is achieved, there is no light leakage to the neighborhood or unpleasant glare that interferes with the competition, and both athletes and spectators It is a light environment where you can enjoy with comfortable light.

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